The week in 36 photos

A lady flees as a demonstration military officer beats her with a rod Tuesday, May 20, in Nairobi, Kenya. Hundreds of Nairobi University students took…

Xavier Niel rachète Monaco Telecom

Le fondateur de Free s’empare de 55 % du capital de l’unique opérateur monégasque. La transaction atteindrait 325 millions d’euros. Xavier Niel, fondateur de Free,…

Pop art condoms?

.cnn_html_media_utility::before{color:red;content:’>>’;font-size:9px;line-height:12px;padding-right:1px} .cnnstrylccimg640{margin:0 27px 14px 0} .captionText{filter:alpha(opacity=100);opacity:1} .cnn_html_slideshow_media_caption a,.cnn_html_slideshow_media_caption a:visited,.cnn_html_slideshow_media_caption a:link,.captionText a,.captionText a:visited,.captiontext a:link{color:outline:medium none} .cnnVerticalGalleryPhoto{margin:0 auto;padding-right:68px;width:270px} ]]> The Center for African Family Studies (CAFS) has…